40 Ways Teachers Motivate Students

Teachers find countless ways to motivate students. What are some that work for you?

  1. Find the stories
  2. Music
  3. Praise
  4. Good phone calls
  5. Set goals
  6. Respect
  7. Personal notes
  8. Fun assignments
  9. Competition
  10. Guest speakers
  11. Be human
  12. Be flexible
  13. Candy and Pizza
  14. Class rewards
  15. Be a role model
  16. Costumes
  17. Choices
  18. Games
  19. Tell a story
  20. Positive Reinforcement
  21. Parties
  22. Extra Credit
  23. Homework passes
  24. Hamburger tickets
  25. Earn free time
  26. Personal attention
  27. Ask them about themselves
  28. Energy
  29. Laugh
  30. Firm, Fair, Flexible
  31. Know the students
  32. Attend events
  33. Thank them
  34. Give leadership roles
  35. Field trips
  36. Raffles
  37. Movies
  38. Say hi
  39. Display work
  40. Show them that you love what you do