End of the Year Scrapbook Project

This end of high school scrapbook is great for English class but can be used in most content areas. It could easily be adapted to middle school as well. High school seniors (or those leaving middle school) put 8 individual assignments into a scrapbook containing memories from high school.

The following list of assignments will be compiled into an end of high school scrapbook. Each assignment will have an individual point value.


  1. Do a mini research paper on a possible career you may want to explore. Include the salary, education, training, and job duties required for this career. Also include an actual classified ad for this particular job from the internet or newspaper. Include a works cited page for your sources and your classified ad.
  2. Write a letter to an adult who works or volunteers at this school who has positively influenced your existence here. Thank them for making a difference in your life. Make sure to use the correct block letter format. Turn in 2 copies.
  3. Write a short story that fictionalizes a memorable event that has happened in your time in high school. It does not have to be an event that happened on campus, but only appropriate activities may be represented. Your story must be fictionalized (i.e. change the names and the details of the event). Make sure to include plot, setting, characterization, conflict, and a theme. MLA format.
  4. On a piece of blank computer paper (8 ½ x 11), create a visual image that symbolizes a part of your life as a high school student. It may be a photo you have taken, a collage of images (filling the entire page) or an original piece of artwork created by you. On the back of the image, write at least 2 paragraphs (MLA) describing the image and its symbolic relevance to your life.
  5. Choose a song that you will always equate to you time at school. Print out the lyrics (including singer and title of the piece) and in an MLA written paper, explain the song (stanza by stanza) and describe its significance to your life. All lyrics must be appropriate in terms of language as well as subject matter.
  6. Write an ode to something you could not have lived without while you went to school here.
  7. Write a graduation speech addressing the faculty, staff, parents and your peers discussing your hopes and dreams for the class of ___, as well as highlighting your accomplishments as a class.
  8. Add a cover page, binding, and any creative extras that make this project your own.