Tagged: Literary Terms

Denotation Connotation Practice

Practice denotation and connotation with this worksheet. Denotation is the literal dictionary definition of a word. Connotation is the implied meaning and the emotional suggestions of a word. You may also like… Connotation Practice with Images Denotation vs. Connotation What’s...

connotation practice with images

Connotation Practice with Images

Practice connotation with this worksheet by describing your feelings and emotional connections to the following images. You may also like… Denotation vs. Connotation Lie Lay Practice Worksheet Traceable Numbers Practice Poetry Terms Practice Worksheet


Here are some examples of hyperbole: My potatoes are swimming in gravy! It’s so cold that the polar bears are wearing jackets. I’ll be ready in a second. He is as old as the hills. He has a ton of...

Setting and Character Development Worksheet

The setting and the characters are two important elements in the development of any story. This worksheet will help students focus on specific mention of each. Directions call for students to provide details or quotes about the setting of the...

The Difference Between Mood and Tone

Mood and Tone can be a source of confusion for students. This worksheet explains the difference between the two and asks students to find three examples of each term. Mood is the feeling a reader has while reading. It is...