Tagged: Personal Response Writing

I Have a Dream

“I Have a Dream” is a 17-minute public speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered on August 28, 1963, in which he called for racial equality and an end to discrimination. The speech, from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial...

Paragraph Practice Packet

This .pdf file contains four pages of paragraph writing prompts. Each page is a separate paragraph writing assignment in which students respond to quotations by well-known people. Writing topics are: happiness, solitude, intellectual curiosity and perseverance. You may also like…...

New Year’s Reflection

Reflect on last year and look ahead: The best thing that happened last year… Last year, I became better at… This year, I am looking forward to… This year, my goals are… You may also like… Setting SMART Goals New...

Bio Poem Generator

The Bio Poem is a reflective, 10 line poem about oneself. Write Bio Poem online using this form. After this page is completed, press Create and a nicely formatted printable poem will appear. Your First Name Is (four adjectives about...

Themed Journal Writing Pages

Three pages to write stories or journal. One page baseball themed, one page basketball themed and one page is scholar themed. You may also like… 14 Fun Summer Journal Topics Halloween Creative Writing Pages Halloween Scary Story Writing Pages 3...

Faux Facebook Worksheet Template About Me

This facebook inspired worksheet is used to motivate and get to know students while providing them with space to tell about themselves. The three main questions in the center are: My Summer Vacation, What I’m Looking Forward to This Year...

7 Earth Day Writing Topics

Write a list of 8 ways you could use less water. Write a short letter convincing your friends to use less water. Write a list of 8 ways you could use less electricity. Draw a poster promoting Earth Day. Include...

Metacognitive Journal

Metacognition is “thinking about thinking.” Metacognition involves understanding how you came to learn something. Use this journal page to think about what you learned and how you learned it. This could be used at the end of a unit or...