Pun – A humorous play on words based on the similarity of the sounds of two words. Example: When kissing flowers, tulips are better than one.
Pun Example: When kissing flowers, tulips are better than one.
Pun Example: A three-legged dog walked into the Old-West saloon and said, “I’m looking for the man who shot my paw.”
Directions: You are given two words to help you focus your topic, and your job is to create a pun.
Love and Baseball
You are my All Star.
1. Love and Kangaroo
2. School and Pencil
3. School and Math
4. Love and Coffee
5. Coffee Beans and Work
Possible Answers
1. I hop you’ll be mine.
2. I like school, but I don’t get the point.
3. When I saw that I had an A in math, I knew something didn’t add up.
4. I love you a latte.
5. Work is a grind.
Do that with the words
1. Bee had hive
2. Apple and lion