Category: Graphic Organizers

Cornell Notes Template

This Cornell Notes template provides space on the left for key ideas, details on the lines to the right and summary of ideas on the bottom. You may also like… Cornell Notetaking Cornell Notes Blank 2 Column Notes Form Four...

Setting and Character Development Worksheet

The setting and the characters are two important elements in the development of any story. This worksheet will help students focus on specific mention of each. Directions call for students to provide details or quotes about the setting of the...

The Difference Between Mood and Tone

Mood and Tone can be a source of confusion for students. This worksheet explains the difference between the two and asks students to find three examples of each term. Mood is the feeling a reader has while reading. It is...

Making Connections with the Story

This form helps students make connections with what they are reading. Critical reading involves making connections. To gain a full understanding of the text, one should ask, “How does this apply to my life?” This organizer helps them do that....

Making Inferences Chart

Making inferences means to draw conclusions or to make judgments based on facts. Write the important details and facts in the boxes on the left. Then write inferences about those important details in the boxes on the right. This chart...

Storyboard With Four Boxes

This storyboard form has 4 boxes with space for larger images. Use this page to plan and organize a film project. It could also be used to review the plot of a story or plan a short story. Print two...

Metacognitive Journal

Metacognition is “thinking about thinking.” Metacognition involves understanding how you came to learn something. Use this journal page to think about what you learned and how you learned it. This could be used at the end of a unit or...

The Difference Between Fact and Opinion

Practice identifying the difference between fact and opinion by using this graphic organizers. List the facts on the left and opinions on the right. You may also like… Is It Fact or Opinion Fact Opinion Worksheet The Difference Between Summarize...