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Mother’s Day Word Search

Find the Mother’s Day related words in this word search. You may also like… Christmas Word Search Earth Day Word Search Thanksgiving Word Search Christmas Tree Shaped Word Search

Summer Word Search

Find the Summer related words in this word search. You may also like… Christmas Word Search Earth Day Word Search Thanksgiving Word Search Christmas Tree Shaped Word Search

I Am From Poem Template

This template will assist in writing an “I Am From” poem. This poem is a reflection on your early life, family and values. It is different than the “I Am” poem, but both poem templates guide you in creating poems...

I Am From Poem

This template form is intended to help you get started writing an “I Am From” poem. Not to be confused with the “I Am” poem, this poem is more about your memories and upbringing. This poem is personal and should...

Main Events Sequence Log

Keep track of the sequence of events in the story or process with this main event sequence log. You may also like… 8 Events Sequence Organizer Sequence Graphic Organizer Chain of Events Sequencing Organizer 3 Main Idea Wheels

Earth Coloring Page

Earth Day Globe Coloring Page

Earth coloring page You may also like… Celebrate Earth Day Coloring Page April 22 is Earth Day Snowman Christmas Coloring Page Summer Surfer Coloring Page

I Am Poem

Write an I Am poem online using this form. After this page is completed, press Create and a nicely formatted printable poem will appear. An I Am poem is a structure for writing about yourself. The poem is filled with...

7 Earth Day Writing Topics

Write a list of 8 ways you could use less water. Write a short letter convincing your friends to use less water. Write a list of 8 ways you could use less electricity. Draw a poster promoting Earth Day. Include...