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Storyboard With Four Boxes

This storyboard form has 4 boxes with space for larger images. Use this page to plan and organize a film project. It could also be used to review the plot of a story or plan a short story. Print two...

Metacognitive Journal

Metacognition is “thinking about thinking.” Metacognition involves understanding how you came to learn something. Use this journal page to think about what you learned and how you learned it. This could be used at the end of a unit or...

Tardy Log

This tardy log form helps keep track of who is late to class. The form should be kept near the door on a clipboard. When students are tardy they must sign the form or they’ll be marked absent. If they...

Upper and Lower Case Memory Game

Match upper and lowercase letters while playing memory. To play, print the letters, then cut each letter out separately and then turn them all face down on the table. Next, each player turns over two cards at a time. If...

The Difference Between Fact and Opinion

Practice identifying the difference between fact and opinion by using this graphic organizers. List the facts on the left and opinions on the right. You may also like… Is It Fact or Opinion Fact Opinion Worksheet The Difference Between Summarize...

Character Qualities Quote Practice Form

Use this chart to identify qualities of a character in a story. Name the character’s quality then provide evidence with a quote or example. You may also like… Character Details Organizer Setting and Character Development Worksheet Character Development Worksheet Character...

Classroom Library Book Checkout Form

Keep track of the books that students borrow from the classroom library with this book check-out form. You may also like… Keep Track of Borrowed Items 5 Smiley Signs for the Classroom Parent Contact Form Reading Response Form

Story Starter Generator

Dynamic Story Starter

Use this tool to help come up with creative writing topics. Click the buttons for setting, character and conflict suggestions. If you don’t like the suggestions, click again. Maybe you’ll use the idea or maybe it will stir up an...