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Vocabulary Boxes

Vocabulary Boxes

This vocabulary study graphic organizer has space to write the word, the part of speech, the definition, a sentence using the word and a simple illustration to help remember the meaning. You may also like… Vocabulary Word Definition Form Vocabulary...

Summer Journal Writing

14 Fun Summer Journal Topics

Explain, in an entertaining way, how to skip a stone across a pond. Write a how-to guide to having an incredible summer. Use the following words in a summer related story of 200 words: sun, freedom, ride, run, slide, laugh,...

Sequence Graphic Organizer

Sequence Graphic Organizer

This sequence graphic organizer can be used in many ways: a timeline of events, to list plot events, to list the steps in a process, or even as a Cornell notes form with the main ideas in the small boxes...

Outside Observations Journal

Nature Observations Journal

This form encourages students to get outside and observe nature. Use this page to draw a single specific scene focusing on one area of interest. There is space to log the time, date and location. The bottom half is used...

Blank Timeline

Blank Timeline

Timelines are often used for history assignments, but they can also be used for reviewing story plot events, a scientific process or for planning a personal study routine. You may also like… Blank Timelines 8 Events Sequence Organizer Your Basic...

Blank Timeline in Red

Blank Timelines

These blank timeline templates are editable PDF files. Each box can be typed in, eliminating the need to print. You may also like… Blank Timeline Blank 3 Column Notes Form Blank 2 Column Notes Form Study Templates

Study Template Landscape View

Study Template

Landscape view note taking study templates. These PDF files have editable fields so that each area can be typed in. This eliminates the need to print. Just open, type and save. You may also like… Study Templates Note Taking Organizer...

Editable PDF Study Template

Study Templates

Organize notes with one of these note taking forms. These PDF files have editable fields so that each area can be typed in. This eliminates the need to print. Just open, type and save. You may also like… Study Template...