Tagged: Quotes

Dr. Seuss Quote Poster

A fun Dr. Seuss quote for the classroom or child’s room. You may also like… Mt. Everest Inspirational Quote Poster Longfellow Quote "Let it Rain" Emerson Quote "What Lies Within Us…" Einstein Quote “Imagination is More Important Than Knowledge”

The Art of Teaching Inspirational Poster

The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery. You may also like… Mt. Everest Inspirational Quote Poster Winston Churchill Inspirational Poster Never Say Can't Inspirational Poster Never Give Up Inspirational Poster

Education Quotes

Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. – Chinese Proverb Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school. – Albert Einstein A professor is one who talks in someone else’s sleep. –...

Quotes for Journal Writing

These quotes require students to write what they think the quote or idea means and then write how the idea applies to their lives. “All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be...

Perfect Paragraph Moderation

Directions: Write a paragraph with 6-8 sentences using these quotes. Which one do you most agree with? Why? Cite at least one of the quotes in your answer. “He will always be a slave who does not know how to...

Perfect Paragraph Your Philosophy of Life

Directions: Write a paragraph with 6-8 sentences that explains which life philosophy best describes yours? Give examples of how you live your life in this way. Life is great. Life is unfair. Life is what you make it. You may...

Perfect Paragraph Hard Work

Directions: Write a paragraph with 6-8 sentences using these quotes. Which one do you most agree with? Why? Cite at least one of the quotes in your answer. “They say hard work never hurt anybody, but I figure why take...

Perfect Paragraph Happiness

Directions: Write a paragraph with 6-8 sentences stating whether you agree or disagree with the quotes. Cite at least one of the quotes in your answer.  “Remember, happiness doesn’t depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends...